The candidates aspiring to appear for and get through various competitive and recruitment examinations like Railway Recruitment, etc must have an in-depth knowledge about the varied sections covered under the subject of General Knowledge as the same is asked in almost each and every recruitment examination.
General Knowledge 2017-18 provides a comprehensive study of all the sections that are covered under the subject of General Knowledge.
***** Railway GK Notes *****
- Indian History Notes
- Geography Notes
- Indian Polity Notes
- Indian Economy Notes
- General Science Notes
- Quick Facts Notes
***** Railway GK Test *****
- Indian History
- World History
- Indian Geography
- World Geography
- Economy
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Sociology
- Science & Technology
- Indian Constitution
- Indian Politics
- Indian Culture
- Indian Famous Places
- Famous Personalities
- Honours and Awards
- Sports and Games
- Books and Authors
- Rivers and Lakes
- Mountains and Forest
- National Park
- Computer Knowledge
- UNO, Other International & National Organisation
***** Railway Last Year Papers *****
- RRB solved Exam 2005
- RRB Solved Question Paper
- RRB TC Solved Question Paper
- RRB solved Paper
Calon-calon yang bercita-cita untuk hadir bagi dan mendapatkan melalui pelbagai peperiksaan berdaya saing dan pengambilan seperti Railway Recruitment, dan lain-lain mesti mempunyai pengetahuan yang mendalam mengenai pelbagai bahagian yang berbeza-beza yang dilindungi di bawah subjek Pengetahuan Am seperti yang sama ditanya dalam hampir setiap peperiksaan pengambilan.
Pengetahuan umum 2017-18 menyediakan satu kajian menyeluruh terhadap semua bahagian yang dilindungi di bawah subjek Pengetahuan Am.
***** Railway GK Nota *****
- Nota Sejarah India
- Nota Geografi
- Nota tatanegara India
- Nota Ekonomi India
- Nota Sains Am
- Fakta Pantas Nota
***** Railway GK Test *****
- Sejarah India
- Sejarah dunia
- Geografi India
- World Geografi
- Ekonomi
- Fizik
- Kimia
- Biologi
- Sosiologi
- Sains & Teknologi
- Perlembagaan India
- Politik India
- Kebudayaan India
- Places Famous India
- Personaliti Terkenal
- Kepujian dan Anugerah
- Sukan dan Permainan
- Buku dan Pengarang
- Sungai dan Tasik
- Gunung dan Hutan
- Taman Negara
- Pengetahuan Komputer
- UNO, Lain Antarabangsa dan Pertubuhan Kebangsaan
***** Kertas Kereta Api Tahun Lepas *****
- RRB Exam diselesaikan 2005
- RRB Menyelesaikan Soalan Kertas
- RRB TC Menyelesaikan Soalan Kertas
- RRB Paper diselesaikan